Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Dr Lam Pin Min's silence

A while ago, I asked in the p65 blog about certain discrepancy in the Mas Selamat escape. His reply was "Thanks for the comments. I agree more details will help clarify the perceived “irregularities”."

So I decided to asked him, since the details will clarify irregularities why not ask the gov to publish those details so that it they can put to rest the speculation. I also disagreed with him that those are perceived irregularities because I cannot see and concrete ledge in the famous toilet picture. I then asked him to point it out to me and correct my perception if I am wrong. However I did not receive any reply. In fact my reply was 'censored' It is obvious then he cannot show me the concrete ledge and his silence and censoring, points to discrepancies in the COI report. I think I have done my part as a citizen to point out the discrepancy. The parliament has decided to turn a blind eye to obvious errors in the report. If anyone is complacent it would the the ministers not the citizens.

I am however a bit suprised that Dr Lam Pin Min decides to take on the challenge to blog about the Mas Selamat case. I wonder if he was arrowed to do it or he volunteered himself to defend the indefensible in order to score some political points. When I first read the blog I thought he was pretty brave to engage people on this. I guess they have the right to censor, so no biggy if things go out of hand. However they are dealing with the internet. You can't really put a muzzle on me.

I sincerely wish Dr Lam a good career, but I think he made an error trying to blog about this topic, when he is not prepared to take it on with sincerity. I would have respected him if he dare ask those questions I posted in parliament.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted on the blog too. Read how he side-stepped my arguments.

11:20 PM

Blogger palmist said...

yes he sidestpped many arguments. But that is seems to be norm. If you read most of the parliamentary debate, they do let them get away with side stepping. That seems to be the prerequiste skill to engage in any parliamentary debate. haha. Don't answer the question if it is too probing, just give a reply.

8:40 AM


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